Test Leads
Laboratory Power Tester
Analogue Movement Multimeter (Pro# QM1020)
Low Cost Digital Multimeter (DMM) (Pro# QM1500)
Cat III Multimeter with Temperature (Pro# QM1323)
Economy Autorange Multimeter with Non-Contact Voltage Sensor(Pro# QM1529)
Automotive DMM with Dwell and Tacho (Pro# QM1446)
IP67 True RMS Autoranging Cat IV DMM (Pro# QM1549)
True RMS Digital Multimeter with Bluetooth® Connectivity (Pro# QM1578)
600A True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter (Pro# QM1632)
1000A True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter (Pro# QM1634)
Non-contact AC Voltage Detector (Pro# QP2268)
Power Point and Earth Leakage Tester (Pro# QP2004)